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Moravian Academy in Action



Adrian Sauers
At the Swain Campus of Moravian Academy, 5th-grade students embark on an exciting Makerspace journey that introduces them to architecture and the importance of resilience. Through hands-on activities, they design and construct hurricane-resistant building models.

Swain Campus 5th graders engage in the Makerspace room to learn about architecture. They create drawings of hurricane-resistant buildings and construct models using limited materials. Students also personalize their structures and connect with fellow young architects.
Objectives: In this Makerspace project, students aim to:
  1. Learn construction techniques using thin cardboard.
  2. Develop measurement and cutting skills.
  3. Personalize and decorate their structures.
  4. Foster connections with other aspiring architects.
Materials: The project utilizes:
  1. Food box cardboard, invisible tape, construction paper, and string.
  2. Scissors, utility knives, and drawing materials.
Students design and construct miniature houses or buildings using paper, thin cardboard, and invisible tape. They test their models' resilience by subjecting them to simulated hurricane-force winds with a leaf blower. Finally, students add personal touches using construction paper and string.

Swain Campus's Makerspace program empowers 5th grade students to explore architecture and resilience through hands-on experiences. By constructing and testing their models, students develop crucial skills while nurturing creativity and collaboration. This educational journey instills pride in their creations and underscores the significance of resilience in the realm of architecture.

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