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Welcome to the Moravian Academy Alumni Community

At Moravian Academy, the journey of learning and personal growth doesn't end at graduation. Our alumni are an integral part of our vibrant community, continually embodying the values of creativity, curiosity, integrity, and excellence. As a Moravian graduate, you carry forward a legacy of critical thinking, effective communication, and leadership with integrity. This space is dedicated to celebrating your achievements, fostering connections, and supporting your continued growth. Whether you walked the halls of our Historic Downtown, Merle-Smith, or Swain Campuses, you remain a vital part of the Moravian family. Here, you can reconnect with classmates, share your stories, and find opportunities to give back to the institution that nurtured your joyful spirit and empowered you to become an inclusive global citizen.

Stay In Touch

All former students of Moravian Seminary for Girls, Moravian Preparatory School, the Swain School, and Moravian Academy, as well as honorary and associate alumni of any of the above schools, are members of the Moravian Alumni Association which promotes the continuing interest and active support of all alumni. It also supports beneficial relationships among alumni, the school, the faculty, and the administration through events, activities, and our Alumni LinkedIn Group. The Association sponsors an annual Alumni Reunion, a Holiday Reception for college alumni and current seniors, College Day, SMASH (Salute Moravian and Say Hello), regional and local get-togethers, and other activities all designed to interest both alumni and current students.

We always want to hear about our alumni and welcome you to come back to campus to visit. We look forward to seeing you.

Do you have news that you would like to share with the Moravian Academy Community? Please submit your information below.

Get Involved!

There are many ways to reconnect with your alma mater! Volunteers are needed in the following areas:
  • Class Agent - facilitate communication with your classmates 
  • Regional Committee Members - plan events where you live and work 
  • Alumni Career Network - share career expertise with current students and alumni 
  • Post-Term Host - sponsor an externship for a senior (Learn more)
  • Young Alumni Network - provide input for events, activities, and services to help recent graduates 
Complete the form below or contact Bob Zaiser at bzaiser@mamail.net for more information.

Contact Information

Bob Zaiser
Director of Institutional Advancement

Jessica McPherson
Associate Director of Institutional Advancement, Parent and Alumni Engagement
Alumni Association Board

Christine Salgado ’86, President  
Alexander Battisti ‘14, Vice President
Marissa Zondag ‘09, Secretary   
Priya Atiyeh ‘14
Alexis Burgess '11
Giovanni Castro '98
Michael Gibson ‘17
Julia Klees ‘78
Rachel Large ’08
Ann Sloyer Mindler '70P
Christine Herster Murphy ‘70S
David Orsi ’99
Karalynne Clark Parzych ‘07 
Ryan Peslis ‘15
Marlee Senderowitz '14
Joseph Sinkovits '19
Olga Sklyarova ‘07
Wilbur Soulis ‘54P 
Julia Tallarico Spinelli '09
Peter Tabbot ’86
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