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Visual Arts


Our spiraling arts curriculum—which spans from primer to Grade 12—not only introduces students to the skills and concepts for drawing, painting, printmaking, fine crafts, and sculpture, but also enriches a student’s knowledge of the processes and practices of creating art.

Discussions about art history, art culture, artist visitations, and exhibitions on and off-campus are regular occurrences. Art makes its way into nearly every classroom, and students encounter endless opportunities to demonstrate their creative abilities in integrated lessons. We also celebrate the talents of our student body by showcasing their work in a variety of exhibits and displays throughout the school year.
When creating art, students are encouraged to take inspiration from artists, multi-cultural explorations, inter-curricular connections, their unique imaginative spirit, and the world at large. Students' artistic visions are realized utilizing the principles of design and practice with a variety of artistic mediums.

Our students try a wide variety of art-making mediums including painting, drawing, printmaking, collage, ceramics, plaster, paper mache, sewing, mixed media, recycled materials, and computers. By gaining proficiency in each medium, students have an opportunity to develop their fine motor skills and an appreciation for craftsmanship.

We celebrate the culmination of each year in our visual arts program with a student art exhibition.

Visual Arts in Action

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