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Among the many music activities students can participate in throughout their school years are traditional band and orchestra groups, jazz bands and ensembles, a string orchestra, a student-driven house band, and handbell choirs. Vocal music opportunities include chorus, chorale, an elite ‘Chamber Singers’ group, plays, and even a school a cappella group called ‘Coda Red.’
All of these activities involve recitals, formal concerts, chapel services, and other meaningful opportunities for students to perform throughout the year and share their gifts and talents with family members and the community.
Students are exposed to a wide variety of instruments, learn to sing songs from around the world, and study music history as it ties into the curriculum being taught in other departments. For example, when the second-grade studies the country of Japan, not only do they learn about Japanese history and culture, but they also practice Taiko drumming and learn to sing and play “Hotaru Koi” on xylophones.

Music instruction begins in the Primer program and as students get older, music is then built into the class schedule, which provides more opportunities to play with peers, promote teamwork and reinforce positive collaboration. While music-related classes become an elective in middle school, more than 80 percent of students continue to participate in a music or performance group of some kind in Middle and Upper School.
"Since coming to MA as a fifth-grader who wasn’t really into music, I now play the piano, trombone, bass, and drums. I'm a member of the jazz band, pit orchestra, and wind ensemble, sing with the Chamber Singers and Chorale, and perform in Coffeehouse.
Music is woven into life here more than at other schools and has become so important to me. Being able to participate in musical activities every day helps me de-stress and is something I enjoy doing so much — it really helps balance the day. Based on how involved I’ve been and all of the opportunities and encouragement faculty members have provided, I know that I’ll definitely be doing something with music in the future."

- Dylan Carter '19
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