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Historic Downtown Campus Middle School

When you visit our Historic Downtown Campus, you’ll immediately feel the vibrant learning activity that’s constantly underway at all grade levels: Seventh graders dissecting frogs or performing Pop-Up Shakespeare around the campus. Eighth graders preparing for their 3-day trip to Washington D.C. to immerse themselves in our nation history or sixth graders using the design thinking process to brainstorm ideas and prototype spacesuits to keep astronauts safe in the harsh environment of outer space. And the whole school community united in engagement with music, theater, and performing arts for which we’ve long been known.

“You find some really remarkable students here who are accomplished in a variety of things, which to me is amazing. There’s a lot of opportunity to explore various facets of yourself through a curriculum and teaching approach that is extremely robust.” – HISTORIC DOWNTOWN PARENT
Student-Centered Original Research Experience (SCORE)
A pivotal moment in our Middle School educational journey occurs in seventh grade with the Student-Centered Original Research Experience (SCORE). During SCORE, students delve into a research topic that personally resonates, igniting a passion for learning that goes beyond the conventional classroom setting.
To guide their learning journey, students in SCORE leverage the Stripling Model of Inquiry. This model mirrors the Learner's Journey circle at the core of Moravian Academy's Strategic Vision: A Culture of Curiosity. By following this structured framework, students develop crucial inquiry and research skills, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching experience.
SCORE exemplifies our dedication to providing students with the tools and opportunities they need to transform their curiosity into actionable, purpose-driven projects. 
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